Hello friends,
Show my previous articles for automobile engines details and this articles show on how supply fuel in engine? the basic construction of the carburetor of the carburetor can be divide into the part of where the gasoline fuel and air are mixture and float chamber or the part where constant amount of gasoline is always stored and this articles we have show how working on IC engine and its operation so lets start this
IC engines( Internal combution engine) are those heat engine burn the fuel in cylinder.on the other side external coumbution engine are heat engine that burn their fuel out side the cylinder thoes are steam engine.what is steam engine? this is my next topic so we will continue this topic.the energy devlopement during the coumbustion in steam engine fuel transmited to steam, which act piston inside the cylinder. in internal coumbustion engine are work on the supply fuel inside and burn the fuel in transfer work in chemical energy to mechenical energy. the engine burn petro this called petrol engine and the engine burn diesel so called diesel engine.other types of fuel are burn in IC engine burn heavier oils, of those type has come in widest use.
IC engines are basically heat engine are converted into the mechanical energy. In IC engine, the coumbution of fuel take place in inside cylinder,while sheam engine the outside of the engine. the working of temurature and pressures in IC engine are much higher than steam engine. due to temurature and pressures material are having in batter resistance are requied in IC engine.
IC engine are single acting on piston cylinder.piston is directly connected to connecting rod.
IC engine are two type of cycle are work on two stroke engine and four stroke engine. four stroke engine details are avilable and two stoke engine are publish as soon as possible.
I hope completely understand what is types automobile and work of automobile can you more details are understand so you are subscribed my website and any queries regarding of automobile writing on comments box I will give very fast reply and thank you for read this article.
Thank you 🤗
Show my previous articles for automobile engines details and this articles show on how supply fuel in engine? the basic construction of the carburetor of the carburetor can be divide into the part of where the gasoline fuel and air are mixture and float chamber or the part where constant amount of gasoline is always stored and this articles we have show how working on IC engine and its operation so lets start this
IC engines( Internal combution engine) are those heat engine burn the fuel in cylinder.on the other side external coumbution engine are heat engine that burn their fuel out side the cylinder thoes are steam engine.what is steam engine? this is my next topic so we will continue this topic.the energy devlopement during the coumbustion in steam engine fuel transmited to steam, which act piston inside the cylinder. in internal coumbustion engine are work on the supply fuel inside and burn the fuel in transfer work in chemical energy to mechenical energy. the engine burn petro this called petrol engine and the engine burn diesel so called diesel engine.other types of fuel are burn in IC engine burn heavier oils, of those type has come in widest use.
IC engines are basically heat engine are converted into the mechanical energy. In IC engine, the coumbution of fuel take place in inside cylinder,while sheam engine the outside of the engine. the working of temurature and pressures in IC engine are much higher than steam engine. due to temurature and pressures material are having in batter resistance are requied in IC engine.
IC engine are single acting on piston cylinder.piston is directly connected to connecting rod.
IC engine are two type of cycle are work on two stroke engine and four stroke engine. four stroke engine details are avilable and two stoke engine are publish as soon as possible.
I hope completely understand what is types automobile and work of automobile can you more details are understand so you are subscribed my website and any queries regarding of automobile writing on comments box I will give very fast reply and thank you for read this article.
Thank you 🤗